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    2024 Line Up
    Draft Hall Of Fame
    Erin Phillips
    The Ultimate Wildcard
    In 66 AFLW games, Erin managed to become a three - time premiership player, three time all Australian, two-time League B&F and two - time team leading goal-kicker. Now she’s adding to her elite resume by becoming the first ever female draftee for The Carlton Draft.
    Erin has simply done it all. Not only are you getting one of Australia’s greatest athletes ever, but you’re also clearly getting the best player in this year’s draft (yes Dyl it’s definitely not you).
    Trent Cotchin
    Captain Courageous
    Is there any other man you'd want leading you into battle? One of AFL's all-time captains, Cotch built a career that spanned over 15 years, joining the illustrious 300+ game club. Cotch is a player you want by your side, whether it’s in the heat of the contest or at the post-game iPod shuffle night (dad music plus dad dance incoming).
    Isaac Smith
    Crowned as one of AFL's smoothest movers, this 280 game winger has one of the best AFL resumes going round. Retiring last year as a four time premiership player and Norm Smith medalist, you’ll want this deadly left footer roaming your wing and with you post-game strutting around like a king.
    Matthew Lloyd
    The Velvet Sledgehammer
    One of the greatest forwards to ever grace our footy fields, kicking 926 goals from 270 games, and becoming arguably the most iconic Essendon player of all time. Lloydy is back and seeking a club needing a forward (preferably a club that has decent grass to toss). Get him on your side, because the opposition are going to be packing themselves working out how many defenders to send his way.
    Dyl Buckley
    The Larrikin
    Although only having a short 41 game AFL career, Dyl Buckley somehow continues to pop up alongside some of AFL’s all-time greats. Sharing 3 premierships with Father Jim Buckley, Jim 3 Dyl 0, Dylan is THE teammate for you (especially if he re-shares your insta flick post game).
    Leigh Montagna
    The Stat Man
    Nearly 300 games for the Saints, a two time All-Australian, and now all-time media stats guru, “Joey” is lacing up the boots again. Not only are you getting an in and under player willing to do anything for his side, but you are also getting the most versatile of all draftees as he can slot into your stats man role if an injury occurs. Move them magnets Joey!